Parents have an important role in the networkof French schools abroad. They are often veryinvolved, playing a very unique role in the…

french school erbil
Parents have an important role in the networkof French schools abroad. They are often veryinvolved, playing a very unique role in the…
French education aims to make every schoola safe and inclusive environment. This isreflected by actions to promote equalitybetween girls and boys and…
Respect for othersAt school, pupils acquire all the skills that willbe essential to them throughout their life, forpursuing their studies, building their…
Pre-primary school is one of the major assetsof the French education system. The early yearsof education are crucial for helping children togain…
Engaging in sporting, cultural and artisticactivities contributes significantly to pupils’ wellbeing at school. Arts and culture are essentialfor developing their creativity and…
Regular assessments take place to allow teachersto quickly identify both the knowledge acquiredand the requirements of their pupils in Frenchand mathematics and…
Understanding the relationships betweenenvironmental, economic, social andcultural issues is essential for educatingresponsible future citizens. This is whyenvironmental and sustainable developmenteducation begins from…
Oral expression skills are essential to both our personal and private lives. Right from primary school, pupils are encouraged to speak in…
Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels.
Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels.
Throughout their schooling, pupils develop digital skills that form part of the essential foundation that all pupils must acquire by the end…
French cultureA knowledge of French language and cultureplays a decisive role in the future of pupils inthe French school network. Learning aboutcommunity,…