
In a French Maternelle, or kindergarten, the curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate educational experience for young children aged 3 to 6. 

Our curriculum focuses on fostering the child’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth. It promotes a play-based approach to learning, recognizing the importance of hands-on exploration and active engagement. The curriculum is designed in three stages: Petite Section (PS), Moyenne Section (MS), and Grande Section (GS). 

The Maternelle curriculum typically includes activities that stimulate sensory perception, fine and gross motor skills development, language acquisition, early mathematics concepts, and artistic expression. Our curriculum aims to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where children can develop their individual strengths, build social skills, and gain a solid foundation for their future learning.

Here are some key components of the Maternelle curriculum:

  1. Language and Communication: our curriculum emphasizes language acquisition and communication skills in French and English. Children engage in activities to develop vocabulary, listening, speaking, and early writing skills.
  2. Mathematics: Basic mathematical concepts are introduced gradually. Our children learn about numbers, shapes, patterns, measurements, and simple problem-solving through hands-on activities and games.
  3. Arts and Creativity: our curriculum promotes artistic expression through activities such as drawing, painting, sculpting, and music. Our children explore their creativity and develop fine motor skills.
  4. Physical Education: Physical development and gross motor skills are fostered through play, movement activities, and outdoor exercises. Our children learn coordination, balance, and spatial awareness.
  5. Social and Emotional Development: our curriculum focuses on social interactions, empathy, and emotional well-being. Our children learn to share, cooperate, and develop basic social skills in a supportive and inclusive environment.
  6. Discovery and Science: our curriculum encourages curiosity and exploration of the natural world. Our children engage in hands-on experiments, observations, and sensory experiences to develop scientific thinking.
  7. Cultural and Citizenship Education: our children are exposed to cultural diversity, traditions, and values. They learn about their local community, national heritage, and develop an understanding of citizenship.
