From nursery to high school, our academic programs are designed to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world.
Welcome to our Community!
The Danielle Mitterrand French School of Erbil was established in 2009 by Dr. Frédéric Tissot, the Consul General of France in Erbil at the time, for the purpose of improving education in Kurdistan.
The school is named in honor of the former First Lady of France, Danielle Mitterrand, who was known for her advocacy and support for Kurdish rights and the Kurdish people. Her involvement and activism on behalf of the Kurds earned her admiration and respect among the Kurdish community.

establishments CONVENTIONNÉS with the AEFE

Our school is a member of the largest network of foreign schools in the world, a network of 581 French schools in 139 countries. The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), which is a branch of France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, oversees all of these international French schools, including ours, and ensures that the quality of education is maintained by inspecting our school on a regular basis and offering continuous learning and training to our teachers. Our school maintains its accreditation through this rigorous inspection process performed every year, and throughout the year, by the Government of France.


French-Accredited Education at Our School

L’Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger, opérateur du
ministère français de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères, pilote et
accompagne un réseau de 540 établissements scolaires dans 138
Ce réseau accueille plus de 365 000 élèves dont 60 % d’élèves
étrangers auxquels il garantit l’accès à l’excellence éducative et
pédagogique partout dans le monde. Unique par son ampleur
et sa densité ainsi que par son unité, garantie par l’homologation
accordée et vérifiée par le ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de
la Jeunesse et des Sports, le réseau des lycées français à l’étranger
est l’un des acteurs essentiels de l’action extérieure de la France.
L’AEFE concilie une mission de service public éducatif pour
les familles françaises expatriées et une mission de promotion
de notre langue, de notre culture et des valeurs portées par
l’enseignement français en s’ouvrant aux élèves étrangers.
Directeur de l’AEFE

Olivier BROCHET, Directeur de l’AEFE

We Help You to Unlock Your Potential
As a school within the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) network, the Danielle Mitterrand French School of Erbil is guided by a set of common values that form the foundation of our educational approach. These values include
Globally Renowned French Education
The French education system is divided into three main stages
Our institution is abided by these core principles that has helped us achieve the things that we have become today.

Patrick Foster

Richard Harmony
Business Faculty Lead

Sarah Williams
Chief Financial Officer

Gordon Ramsdale
Zoology Team Lead