Middle School

In the French education system, the Collège, or middle school, is a critical stage in a student’s educational journey. It typically caters to students aged 11 to 15 and serves as a bridge between primary school and secondary education. 

The Collège curriculum provides a comprehensive education that builds upon the foundational knowledge acquired in the École Primaire. It focuses on expanding subject areas, developing critical thinking skills, and preparing students for further academic and personal growth. The curriculum encompasses core subjects such as French language and literature, mathematics, sciences, history, geography, and foreign languages. In addition to these subjects, students also engage in physical education, technology and arts. The Collège curriculum encourages independent learning, research skills, and collaborative projects. It aims to foster a deeper understanding of various disciplines, promote intellectual curiosity, and prepare students for the next stage of their educational journey in the Lycée.

 The Collège provides a supportive and structured environment that nurtures academic, social, and personal development during a crucial period of adolescence.

Here is a breakdown of the curriculum by grade:

  1. Sixième (6e) – Grade 6:

– French Language and Literature: Reading comprehension, writing skills, grammar, and literature analysis.

– English, Kurdish, Arabic and Spanish languages.

– Mathematics: Number operations, algebraic thinking, geometry, measurement, and problem-solving.

– Sciences: Introduction to various scientific disciplines, experimentation, and scientific inquiry.

– History and Geography: Ancient civilizations, geography, and historical events.

– Foreign Languages: Continued language learning, typically including English as a primary foreign language.

– Arts: Exploration of various artistic forms and creative expression.

– Physical Education: Development of motor skills, team sports, and physical fitness.

  1. Cinquième (5e) – Grade 7:

– French Language and Literature: Literature analysis, essay writing, grammar, and vocabulary expansion.

– English, Kurdish, Arabic and Spanish languages.

– Mathematics: Advanced arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics, and problem-solving.

– Sciences: Further exploration of scientific concepts, experimentation, and scientific reasoning.

– History and Geography: Medieval history, European geography, and global cultural understanding.

– Foreign Languages: Enhanced language learning, including the continuation of primary foreign language study.

– Arts: Advanced artistic techniques and creative projects.

– Physical Education: Continued development of motor skills, sports activities, and physical fitness.

  1. Quatrième (4e) – Grade 8:

– French Language and Literature: Literary analysis, argumentative writing, grammar refinement, and vocabulary enrichment.

– English, Kurdish, Arabic and Spanish languages.

– Mathematics: Advanced algebra, geometry, statistics, and problem-solving.

– Sciences: In-depth study of scientific disciplines, experimentation, and scientific research skills.

– History and Geography: Modern history, contemporary issues, world geography, and intercultural understanding.

– Foreign Languages: Further language learning, including the exploration of additional foreign languages.

– Arts: Advanced artistic techniques and creative project.

– Physical Education: Enhanced sports activities, fitness training, and healthy lifestyle awareness.

  1. Troisième (3e) – Grade 9:

– French Language and Literature: Literature analysis, argumentative writing, grammar mastery, and advanced vocabulary.

– English, Kurdish, Arabic and Spanish languages.

– Mathematics: Advanced algebra, geometry, statistics, and problem-solving.

– Sciences: Comprehensive study of scientific disciplines, scientific research skills, and experimentation.

– History and Geography: Modern history, contemporary issues, world geography, and global citizenship.

– Foreign Languages: Language proficiency development, literature exploration, and cultural studies.

– Arts: Advanced artistic techniques and creative projects.   

– Physical Education: Enhanced sports activities, fitness training, and healthy lifestyle promotion.

Troisième culminates in a series of French national exams, known as the Brevet, meant to assess the students’ knowledge, understanding, and application of the subjects studied during their Collège years. The examination covers a range of subjects, including French language and literature, mathematics, history-geography, civics, sciences, and a foreign language. It consists of written tests (short-answer questions, and longer essay-style questions) and an oral examination in which students present a project or discuss a specific topic.

Students who successfully pass the Brevet exam are awarded the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) diploma. This diploma serves as a recognition of students’ academic achievements in Collège and provides a comprehensive evaluation of their knowledge and skills. While it is not a prerequisite to progress to the Lycée, it is still an important milestone that allows students to demonstrate their abilities before moving on to the next stage of their education.