Parent Support

School/Parent Communication

We value the partnership between the school and parents in the education journey of our students. Access our newsletters, handbooks, policies, and guidelines to stay informed about the school’s policies, procedures, and educational programs. We provide effective communication channels to foster collaboration and meaningful engagement between parents and staff.

Parent/Teacher meetings

We value close teacher-parent relations which are fundamental to student success. The French School takes pride in opening its classroom doors for parents to enter and observe the learning process. This comes with strong faith and belief in the capabilities and standards of the education our teachers provide.

We also schedule parent/teacher meetings each trimester for our primary school students. These meetings allow for a regular follow-up on the student’s progress, facilitate effective communication, individualized support and goal setting, build the parents/school/teacher relationship further, and engage parents. These benefits contribute to a holistic approach to education, supporting the student’s academic, social, and emotional development.

Parent/Teacher communication

We pride ourselves in promoting direct contact and communication between parents and teachers. If for any reason you require additional assistance or feedback, we are happy to schedule meetings with your child’s teacher directly, the person who is most knowledgeable about your child’s progress and needs. This direct and regular communication supports a closer follow-up of the students, and positively impacts their academic success. 

Parent Representatives

Parent delegates, also known as parent representatives or ambassadors, play a crucial role in facilitating communication and collaboration between parents and the school community. They serve as a link, relaying information, concerns, and suggestions between parents and school administration. Parent delegates represent the collective voice of parents, advocating for their interests and promoting parental involvement in school activities. They foster a sense of community by helping us organize events and volunteering, when necessary, while also providing support and guidance to other parents. Parent delegates collaborate in decision-making processes, ensuring that parents’ diverse perspectives are considered. Their role is vital in strengthening the partnership between parents and the school, enhancing communication, and creating a supportive educational environment for students and families.

Our parent delegates are elected each year, at the beginning of the school year. There are 6 delegates, and each represents the parent body for one or more grades. 

Café des parents

“Café des parents” translates to “Parents’ Café”. A Café des parents is an organized gathering where parents can come together around a topic presented by an expert. It is an opportunity for our parents to socialize, participate in group discussions, share experiences, and discuss various topics related to child development, parenting strategies, academic support, or navigating school systems. The café setting provides a relaxed and informal environment for our parents to connect, exchange ideas, and support each other.

Our Café des parents are organized on a bi-monthly basis. They serve to foster a sense of community among parents and to create a support network. 

Aide aux devoirs

Our school runs a homework assistance afterschool program to help our primary school students with their homework assignments and academic tasks. During these supervised study periods, students receive guidance, explanations, and clarification on their homework assignments. This support aims to reinforce learning, promote independent study skills, and assist students in completing their homework effectively. The Aide aux devoirs is offered by our teachers, and serves as an additional resource to enhance students’ academic progress and success.

This program is especially interesting for our non-French speaking parents: you can be assured that your child is getting the assistance they need with their homework from a native French speaking teacher. 

French Language Classes

For the parents wishing to learn French, the French Institute in Erbil offers private lessons that are scheduled at our school at times that are convenient for parents.