Arts, sport andmusic at school

Engaging in sporting, cultural and artistic
activities contributes significantly to pupils’ wellbeing at school. Arts and culture are essential
for developing their creativity and honing their
critical skills. Teaching them about our shared
cultural heritage and exposing them to works
of art and artistic practice all promote pupils’
development, whether in terms of learning the
basics or boosting their emotional intelligence.
Consequently, French education places an
emphasis on music, reading, drama and learning
about heritage.
Sport, meanwhile, imparts such fundamental
values as the appreciation of effort, the
motivation to surpass oneself, respect for the self,
others, and rules. Regular physical and sporting
activity is essential to the well-being
of pupils. It also promotes concentration and
self-confidence. French education champions
the values of sport – effort, respect,
camaraderie – and supports the vocations
of high-level young sportspeople schooled
in the network.

An arts project to bring people together
The Orchestre des Lycées Français du Monde,
formed in 2015 by the AEFE, brings together 70 music
pupils from different schools who all shared two
passions: French and music. Recruitment is open
to instrumentalists and choristers from French upper
secondary schools abroad, regardless of their country
of residence. The orchestra gathers several times
a year for rehearsals and public concerts

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