Protecting the environment

Understanding the relationships between
environmental, economic, social and
cultural issues is essential for educating
responsible future citizens. This is why
environmental and sustainable development
education begins from primary school.
Pupils are the initial active contributors to the
ecological issue in the school setting. Since the
start of the 2019 school year, every lower and upper
secondary class is invited to elect an eco-delegate
tasked with raising their friends’ awareness of the
fight against climate change.
In upper secondary school, new programmes
place a significant emphasis on climate and
environmental issues and the protection of
biodiversity (specifically Earth and Life Sciences,
History-Geography, scientific education and
civic and moral education).

Planet Future: 

pupils in action for the climate
Since the COP 21 was held in France, a host of educational projects have
been initiated in French schools to engage school communities, exploring
a range of different paths: raising awareness, looking for solutions,
adopting new practices. Sustainable development education is sometimes
combined with media studies, with the production of video reports, news
articles or radio programmes on environmental issues.

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