
Throughout their years in the French education system at Danielle Mitterrand School, students can earn various diplomas and certificates depending on their educational level and achievements. Here is a general overview:

Certificat de Formation Générale (CFG)

 The Certificat de Formation Générale is awarded to students who successfully complete their collège education (end of Grade 9) but do not obtain the Brevet diploma. It certifies their completion of compulsory education.

Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB)

The Diplôme National du Brevet, commonly known as the Brevet, is awarded to students who successfully pass the national examination at the end of Collège (Grade 9). It assesses their knowledge in various subjects and serves as a transition to the Lycée.

Baccalauréat (Bac)

The Baccalauréat is the diploma awarded at the end of the Lycée (Grade 12). It is a high school leaving certificate and a prerequisite for higher education. It is awarded after successful competition of a comprehensive national examination consisting of a series of written exams that assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the subjects they have studied, and oral examinations involving individual presentations.
One of the unique components of the Bac is the philosophy examination. All Bac students, regardless of their chosen stream, are required to take a philosophy exam. This exam assesses students’ critical thinking, reasoning abilities, and understanding of philosophical concepts through essay writing.
The Bac is graded on a scale of 0 to 20, with 10 being the minimum passing grade. The final grade is based on the combined scores of the written and oral examinations. A weighted average is calculated based on the importance of each subject in the chosen stream or specialization.
The Bac is highly regarded as a prestigious qualification and is known for its rigorous curriculum and comprehensive assessment. Its recognition extends beyond France, and many universities worldwide acknowledge the academic achievements represented by the Bac.


The DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) exam is internationally recognized and provides official certification of language proficiency in French. It assesses a learner’s ability to use French in everyday situations and evaluates their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The exam encourages young learners to develop their language abilities, enhance their academic and career prospects, and foster a deeper appreciation for the French language and culture.

The DELF diploma, obtained after successful completion of the exam, is an internationally recognized French language certification. It is widely accepted by educational institutions, employers, governments and organizations as proof of French language skills. 

There are several reasons why it is important for our students to write the DELF exam throughout their course of study at the Danielle Mitterrand French School of Erbil:

1. Language Proficiency Validation: The DELF exam serves as an official validation of a student’s French language proficiency, and their ability to communicate effectively in French. 

2. Academic Recognition: By obtaining the DELF certification, students can fulfill language requirements for university admissions as many universities and educational institutions, both in France and internationally, require or give preference to applicants with French language proficiency. 

3. Personal Growth and Development: The DELF exam encourages students to continuously improve their French skills and become more proficient, setting a goal to work towards and a benchmark to assess their progress. 

4. Personal Confidence: Successfully completing the DELF exam can boost students’ confidence in their language abilities, as it validates their efforts and hard work in learning French, and provides them with a sense of achievement. 


Our high school students are prepared to write the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam. It is a standardized test designed to assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers who plan to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. 

IELTS is important for several reasons, namely:

1. Educational Opportunities: Many universities, colleges, and educational institutions in English-speaking countries require IELTS scores as part of their admission process for international students. Achieving a certain IELTS score is often a prerequisite for enrollment in various academic programs.

2. Personal Development: Preparing for and taking the IELTS exam can be a valuable learning experience. It helps individuals improve their language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

3. Global Recognition: IELTS is recognized and accepted by thousands of institutions, governments, and organizations worldwide. Its widespread use and reputation make it a reliable measure of English proficiency.