
Oral expression skills are essential to both our
personal and private lives. Right from primary
school, pupils are encouraged to speak in class.
The aim is not just to feel comfortable doing so,
but also to enjoy it. The new Baccalauréat includes
an oral exam related to the pupil’s chosen specialist
subjects, which they have prepared throughout
Grades 11 and 12.

Budding ambassadors:

oral skills in the spotlight
Every year, the Ambassadeurs en Herbe (Budding Ambassadors) project created by the AEFE
promotes pupils’ linguistic skills and their openness towards different cultures. This public
speaking tournament allows pupils to debate subjects relating to international current
affairs, in French, English and in the language of the host country. The tournament is held
during the school year, with school, national and geographical regional heat, with a major
event in Paris in May.

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